How can people get HIV? A.Thru unprotected sex w/HIV infected person / B.Sharing needles/sharps w/HIV infected person / C.From an infected pregnant woman to child during birth &breastfeeding / D.Transfusion of infected blood / E.All of the above
How can I prevent myself from getting HIV? A.Consistent &proper use of condoms / B.Regularly taking HIV medications when pregnant &infected / C.Not sharing needles, sharps &syringes / D.Donate blood in time to allow adequate screening / E.All above
What are benefits of HIV testing? A.U take positive actions / B.U are less likely to transmit to others / C.Early detection slow down spread / D.Builds confidence to care for self / E.U make important decisions / F.Starting treatment early / G.All above
What’s the importance of taking HIV medication? A.Reduces viral load / B.Allows immune system to get stronger / C.Stronger immune prevents U from getting sick / D.U will be healthier / E.U become productive / F.All above
What are risks associated with youth sex? A.Risk of HIV infection / B.Risk of STI infection / C.Pregnancies &complications / D.Sexual exploitation / E.All above
What makes youth susceptible to HIV infections? A.Inability to negotiate protective sex / B Not using condom during sexual intercourse / C.Both A and B
How do you know if someone is HIV infected? A.You cannot know if someone is HIV infected just by looking at them / B.You can only know someone is HIV positive through HIV testing / C.Both A and B